At its simplest, a water heater’s basic function involves heating cold water using an energy source and supplying hot water to various fixtures around a home. Water heaters typically have a storage tank where hot water is kept until needed, though tankless models heat water on demand.
Continue ReadingAt Joseph Frederick & Sons, we take your plumbing needs and concerns seriously. Your main sewer line plays a vital role in your entire Delaware home’s plumbing system—we want to help you properly maintain it!
Continue ReadingWhether it’s people, appliances, or air conditioning (AC) systems, the better you know them, the better you are able to care for them. Our team at Joseph Frederick & Sons knows air conditioners because it’s our business.
Continue ReadingTackling electrical maintenance or repairs without professional training can cause serious injury or death as well as lead to things like fire hazards in your Newark home.
Continue ReadingIn fact, the US Environment Protection Agency reports almost one trillion gallons of water is wasted every single year due to leaks in the home.
Continue ReadingJoseph Frederick & Sons is here to help you delve into the world of landscaping lights, exploring different types, benefits, and how they can elevate your outdoor living area here in Delaware.
Continue ReadingWhether it’s making life a little easier for someone undergoing cancer treatments, or helping a child to read, Joseph Frederick & Sons wants to be there for our community.
Continue ReadingCongratulations, you’re planning to remodel your Greenville home! Breathing new life and comfort into your charming older home is a grand adventure, and you can count on our team at Joseph Frederick & Sons to be there every step of the way to help however we can.
Continue ReadingIn the world of HVAC, change is constant, and 2024 marks a significant shift in refrigerant standards. With the transition to A2L refrigerants and the phase down of R-410A, the industry is abuzz with questions, concerns, and opportunities.
Continue ReadingRecognizing problems with your sump pump allows you to address issues promptly. Our Joseph Frederick & Sons professionals are ready to help with any of your plumbing needs. Whether the issue is with your Delaware home’s sump pump, drain line, or water heater, we take care of it all—give us a call!
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